Things to know about this real estate website

Things to know about this real estate website

The website we will be discussing in this website is based in Fourqurean Lane, in the city of Richmond, located in the state of Virginia in the United States of America. This website is for a real estate consultant. Adam and Amanda own this company, and they serve only the city of Virginia. This company also supports the LGBTQ community. To know more about this company, visit their website to look for it; the link is below for easy access-

What is their purpose?

The owners of this company buy houses in the city of Richmond, located in the state of Virginia in the United States of America. Their main target is to buy those houses from the homeowners who want to repair the house and then sell it but does have the required cash, the houses that meet the criteria they are looking for in a house or want to sell the house as a part of your installment. The houses can be in a dilapidated condition or a perfect state. They come in as guides, consultants, or a solution company to help those house owners to get rid of their house or unwanted properties instead of cash.

Benefits they provide to their customers like-

  • They don’t ask the house owners about extra charges like realtor commissions or closing fees.
  • They submit the money to the house owner’s bank account and are not in the hands of the contractors, real estate agents, and bankers.
  • Their business gets over within five business days after the homeowners agree to the contract.

How to get hold of them –

You need to make a free appointment by contacting them through their official phone once you click the above link.

How they work-

  • The homeowners should tell them about their house.
  • If it falls under their criteria, they will make an appointment
  • They will present you with a no-obligation offer
  • The process gets completed within seven days with the selling amount in your hands.

To conclude, the company mentioned above is legal and legit and is not involved with any brokers or third parties.

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